Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Introducing the new Business Communication 2.0

Author: Jo Ann Luna

In today's society, knowing the basics of writing is not going to help you stand out in the workplace.  From writing an email at work to professional memos for fellow corporate employees, an individual's credibility may change by how one writes.  The typical techniques used in writing were taken from the Business Communication 1.0 approach; however, the newly innovated Business Communication 2.0 is proving to be a great asset to writing in the 21st century.

Two or three years ago, business communication was largely based on a broadcasting mindset.  Scripted pieces were read to the media, conversations and conferences were lecture based where one person spoke to many people.  Information went through the various positions of power, such as a hierarchy, and the information was always very structured and planned.  

In this new era, the new 2.0 approach has proved to be more effective.  This new model is more conversational and interactive. By creating a different atmosphere and communicating the message in a positive tone, the reader is more likely to interpret the message the way the writer wants them to.  Simply by changing the medium that is used and using a more discussion like tone where communication happens on a one to one basis or many to many type basis, the ability to capture the audience’s attention would be much easier.  

Also, with this new approach, new media is used as a means of communication that includes: blogs, podcasts, and wikis.  The typical e-mails and presentations are being replaced with podcasts and blogs, even Twitter and Facebook is becoming a normal way of communicating in the workplace.   Arizona Business & Money has outlined how effective Facebook and Twitter have become very convenient means of communication. They state in their article, "For retailers, the sites offer a way to communicate with customers that is less expensive than traditional advertising." 

Therefore, to sum it all up, it is quite simple; this new form of communication is taking off in today's workplace communication.

Read more:
Aizona Business & Money

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