Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Effective Resumes: Customizing to Meet Your Audiences Needs

Author: Mike Cortez
Your resume is a reflection of your accomplishments, education, work history, and job qualifications; in many instances it’s the only form of communication with a potential employer.  As with any other business message, the audience will associate your writing skills with your capabilities and thinking process. In order to obtain the position of your dreams, creating an effective resume will be the key that opens that door.
As always, utilizing the three step writing process will help you organize your resume most effectively.
In planning stage, your purpose is to appreciate this is a formal, persuasive business communication. After searching for a suitable employer within your field of interest, you must research the company, the industry they operate in, and the specific job description you’re applying for. This will help you customize your resume to meet your potential employer’s needs.  This alone may determine your opportunity at an interview. In most cases, a chronological approach would be most suitable. However, whichever format works best for you, you must organize your resume to highlights your strengths and moderates your weaknesses.
At this point you are ready to begin writing your resume.  After providing your contact information, it is beneficial to include an objective statement that is relevant to the position, while stating the contributions you have to offer them. Again, your resume is a reflection of your accomplishments, education, work history, and job qualifications. However, you want to convey this information professionally and successfully, allowing the readers to easily identify your qualifications. Be certain to use powerful language relevant to your reader without overwhelming them with information.
Now, in the completing phase of your resume, you want to revise the paper and reconsider the content, organization, and effectiveness. Don’t forget to proofread meticulously for mistakes, in most cases, just one and you’re done! (Please view the “Revising is Maximizing” blog post for more information)
Lastly, here are a few more aspects you want to strongly consider when creating your resume:
· Keep your resume honest, honesty is the best policy

· Education is usually your best qualification, make it shine

·  Relate past work experience as much as possible to the position your applying for

For more resume writing tips visit:

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